喜歡Muse這首歌這麼久了,終於有機會拿起麥克風唱個過癮。在07' Wembley Stadium的這場演唱會,所有人像朝聖一般地湧向台前,Matt在準備進副歌前的小bridge把旋律讓給歌迷,原本就用來蓄積能量的橋段,在這裡更是累積群眾高漲的情緒,一步步攀升,每個人都在等待爆炸的那一刻,隨著鼓聲逐漸激昂,終於,刷地一聲,電流竄過,雞皮疙瘩佈滿全身,01:55,全場沸騰。


You jump, I jump.用在這裡正好。How I wish I was there!




Muse - Time Is Running Out




這首歌的bass tone,酥酥麻麻地呼應了歌詞中戒不掉又自溺、想走又走不開、於是乾脆放任自己毀滅的爽快墜落感,我真是很愛Chris的bass啊。Matt在主歌對自己說話,有點神經質、穿插不修飾的巨大呼吸聲,好像對自己有點生氣,氣自己無法斷絕對對方沈溺而無法自拔的情感。我一直在想,為什麼我這麼喜歡這首歌,除了我始終覺得Matt這首歌的情緒很性感之外,主要是他們三個人從小bridge進副歌的處理,完全勾到我了,到了第二遍副歌後面的Oooooh yeah~完全是發洩到抓不住啊!而不同於用真音嘶吼的瘋狂,Matt在這裡的假音會讓我跟著把肺裡全部的空氣一點都不留地唱出,於是缺氧後腦筋一片空白,而這時候音樂急轉直下,瞬間安靜,Yeah you will suck the life out of me,有一點點恨、有一點點無奈,然後又慢慢、慢慢累積,到副歌再度徹底釋放,一氣呵成的過癮。



Muse - Hysteria





And I want you now
I want you now
I'll feel my heart implode
I'm breaking out
Escaping now
Feeling my faith erode



Muse - Stockholm Syndrome



這首歌詞切入的角度十分耐人尋味,用Stockholm Syndrome(斯得哥爾摩症候群)來隱喻感情裡強勢與弱勢的對峙,受傷的一方對於傷口的疼痛感知、卻未能逃脫無形中感情的囚禁,沒有主導權得以免除傷害,但在反覆的「受傷-復原」無盡輪迴中,對於給予傷害的對方,卻又依戀而無法離開,導致逐漸模糊了傷痛與愛戀的界線。Matt副歌的吶喊,像是自我告誡、自我宣示,穿插華麗的鋼琴音階,到底我們有沒有辦法自我救贖呢?



This is the last time I'll abandon you
And this is
The last time I'll forget you
I wish I could
Stockholm Syndrome







Muse - Knights of Cydonia



No one's gonna take me alive
The time has come to make things right
You and I must fight for our rights
You and I must fight to survive
Knights of Cydonia

這是Muse對Muse王國子民的宣告。舞台前方兩架朝向宇宙發射信號的巨大天線,匯聚了我們滿載的能量,試圖向除了我們之外的各種生物傳遞訊息。Muse近年這幾張專輯,越來越讓我感受到開闊磅礡的氣勢,我好像看到眼前的巨大太空船即將起飛,所有子民在地球上激動朝聖,祈求能一同登上太空船航向太空、近乎宗教式地徹底奉獻。這樣的Knights of Cydonia,我還有什麼好說的呢?


啊~暢快淋漓!光看錄影我都快哭了,如果真的站在Wembley Stadium聽這場演唱會,我一定會哭慘~



Muse - Time Is Running Out
《Absolution》 2003發行


I think I'm drowning;
I wanna break this spell
That you've created.

You're something beautiful;
A contradiction,
I wanna play the game,
I want the friction.

You will be the death of me,
Yeah, you will be the death of me.

Bury it, I won't let you bury it,
I won't let you smother it,
I won't let you murder it.

And our time is running out,
And our time is running out,
You can't push it underground,
You can't stop it screaming out.

I wanted freedom;
Bound and restricted,
I tried to give you up
But I'm addicted.
Now that you know I'm trapped;
Sense of elation,
You'd never dream of
Breaking this fixation.

You will squeeze the life out of me.

Bury it, I won't let you bury it,
I won't let you smother it,
I won't let you murder it.

And our time is running out,
And our time is running out,
You can't push it underground,
You can't stop it screaming out.

How did it come to this,
Ooohhh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah,
Ooohhh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah,
Ooohhh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahhhhhh,

Yeah you will suck the life out of me.

Bury it, I won't let you bury it,
I won't let you smother it,
I won't let you murder it,

And our time is running out,
And our time is running out,
You can't push it underground,
You can't stop it screaming out,
How did it come to this?

Ooohhh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah,
Ooohhh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah,
Ooohhh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahhhhh.


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    我歇斯底里的愛戀 ★Aileen x 電影、音樂、閱讀、人生★

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